Welcome to Boroondara Park Primary School

Welcome to Boroondara Park Primary School.  We work in partnership with you to provide the best possible education for your child.

The school’s priority is to develop the whole child academically, culturally, emotionally, physically and socially within a caring and supportive environment. While catering for all ability levels, staff focus is on maximising achievement for every student in English and Mathematics.

Boroondara Park Primary School offers a wide range of experiences and educational opportunities, so all students can succeed. Our comprehensive curriculum is complemented by studies in languages, the arts, physical education and STEM.

By encouraging students to adopt and embrace positive personal and social values, we assist them to function effectively in society and prepare them to survive and thrive in a rapidly changing world. Our aim is to motivate students to productively contribute, locally or globally, to improving our world.

As a school we provide the best facilities, resources and support mechanisms to optimise student outcomes while offering the widest possible curriculum to allow all students to experience success.

Our Values and Motto

Our schol values are respect, care, responsiblity and inclusion.

Our School Motto is Care, Learn and Share. 

Underpinning our school motto and values is the development and common understanding of the three rights.

- The right to learn

- The right to feel safe

- The right to be respected

As a community we understand with each right there is an equal responsibility. These three responsibilities are held up alongside our rights.

- We are responsible for ensuring we try our best and have a positive impact on the learning of others.

- We are responsible for ensuring others feel safe physically and emotionally.

- We have the responsibility to treat others fairly and with respect.

We believe every child can learn and they have the right to reach their full potential.

Boroondara Park is a hidden gem in Balwyn North with an active and supportive community. We view a child’s education as a joint responsibility between school, parents, and child. To this end we encourage parental involvement in many areas including classroom helpers, celebrations, open days, assemblies, end of term learning Expos, sporting activities, camps and excursions.

Learning to learn is a particular focus with the intent of fostering a lifelong love of exploring and problem solving, asking questions and seeking knowledge. We work to empower our students by providing a challenging and enriching primary school experience. We encourage students to take responsibility for goal setting, to be self-motivated and appreciate the intrinsic value of learning. By guiding them to use their skills and knowledge to make responsible contributions to the global environment and embrace kindness, we work to ensure learning goes beyond the boundaries of the classroom.

At our school students learn the value of working in a team.

Susanne Lowe