Program for Students with a Disability (PSD)A number of students at BPPS are eligible for Education Department funding due to significant impact on learning caused by a disability. These students are assessed using a variety of means and if eligible, are able to join a school program that provides additional support within a mainstream school setting. This support might be in the form of classroom teacher aide assistance, specific equipment or learning materials or access to specialist paramedical services at school. All children on the PSD must have a ‘Student Support Group’ that meets each term to devise and revise an individual learning plan. This group is comprised of the classroom teacher, parents and support program coordinator.
Students ‘At Risk’At any time there may be a number of students who are deemed, by their teachers, as ‘at risk of not reaching their potential’. This may be as a result of formal assessments such as the annual national testing program or as a result of informal observations that have led the teacher and/or family to express concern for learning and/or wellbeing. In conjunction with the PSD program coordinator, the class teacher will devise an individual learning plan for the child and convene a student support group to monitor progress. This group is comprised of the classroom teacher, parents and support program coordinator.
English as an Additional Language (EAL) ProgramBPPS offers an enriching and supporting program for students learning English as an additional language from Grade Foundation (F) to 6. The program focus is to develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in students. Students follow a program that is suited to their English language level which allows for advancement as their knowledge and skills develop. The EAL program compliments the work of the classwork teacher by providing intensive instrunction and revision for new English language learners. Students are provided with opportunities to learn, rehearse practice new vocabulary, phrases and pronunciation in small groups. EAL students' progress is evaluated and reported against the stages of the EAL standards outlined in the EAL Campanion to the Victorian Curriculum, rather than levels of the English standard. Translations and communications by the staff at BPPS, to all non-English speaking parents are facililated through the use of interpreters from VITS Interpreting and Translating Services.
Literacy Support
Our Literacy Intervention program follows the Fountas & Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention System. This program is designed to supplement what happens in the classroom and is conducted in a small group situation. It has proven highly successful in providing systematic, sequenced, intensive instruction to help students make accelerated progress. This program is aimed at assisting students in years one and two who have not attained expected benchmarks in literacy.
On-going SupportAt various times, across the school, children may be identified by their teachers as falling behind in meeting expected academic standards. In this case the classroom teacher will meet with the support programcoordinator and identify the best kind of support for the child in their own context. It may be recommended that the child undergo formal cognitive assessments, participate in on-demand standardised tests or be monitored closely for a period of time. As well as excellent support by volunteer classroom assistants, it may be possible to arrange for participation in a specific intervention program, assessment by appropriate paramedical experts such as a Speech Therapist or Occupational Therapist, or short term counselling. Each case is considered individually and appropriate plans developed by the class teacher in conjunction with the family and PSD coordinator.